Enrico Cardile

Cardile to join Aston Martin from Ferrari as chief technical officer in 2025

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Aston Martin have confirmed Enrico Cardile will join them from Ferrari next year as their new chief technical officer.

Ferrari confirmed Cardile’s departure yesterday. He has spent almost 20 years at the Scuderia, during which time he rose to the position of technical director for the chassis area.

Aston Martin said Cardile will arrive in time to begin work on their first design for the new technical regulations Formula 1 will introduce in 2026. The team will also join forces with Honda that year.

Cardile is the second major appointment Aston Martin has announced within the last week. It recently named Andy Cowell, the man who led Mercedes’ engine division when it dominated F1 following its last change of power unit rules, as its next Group CEO.

The team’s executive chairman Lawrence Stroll said Cardile’s appointment “reinforces the technical leadership team ahead of significant regulation changes in 2026.”

“I am thrilled that we continue to attract world-class talent to our team,” he continued. “Enrico shares my motivation to be successful in F1 and will have all the resources available to him to realise that ambition. Together with Andy Cowell joining as Group CEO in October and our existing leaders we are creating a formidable team.”

Cardile said Aston Martin’s “ambition and desire are clear” and joining them is a “unique opportunity.”

Stroll has invested heavily in making Aston Martin a force in F1 since bringing his brand to the series in 2021. It moved into it expanded, state-of-the-art new headquarters last year and its new wind tunnel is due to begin operations later this year.

Aston Martin and Ferrari are also understood to by vying for the services of Adrian Newey, Red Bull’s star designer and chief technical officer, who will leave the team at the end of the year.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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5 comments on “Cardile to join Aston Martin from Ferrari as chief technical officer in 2025”

  1. Coventry Climax
    9th July 2024, 13:35

    All very nice, but how does this match having a driver that’s way below par?
    Unless for ’26, Lance is finally ditched? Can’t see that happen really, though.

    1. BLS (@brightlampshade)
      9th July 2024, 13:41

      Lance just needs time, he’s a fresh faced rookie with just a lowly 8 seasons experience.

    2. Tbh I’m not sure he’s so bad that you wouldn’t win the Constructors’ if you had a Red Bull/Mercedes era type dominant car.

      Occasionally pips Fernando to the post. Obviously, he’s not as good, but there have been worse drivers on the grid.

  2. Well, that cools down Adrian Newey to Aston Martin speculation, unless he joins in an advisory capacity only. Williams v Ferrari v retirement then.

    1. That’s exactly the rumor, Cowell as CEO and Cardile as CTO, with Newey as advisor.

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